This group will still be created, however im changing its direction. It will be for eliminating any flashes with the following discriptions.
1. extremely misleading titles(ie, "talking dog" is the title, and its just a pic w/ crappy music)
2. tricks (only the nasty ones that are designed to piss people off)
3. extremely bad animation(skill, not content)
4. really short animation(less than 10 seconds)
note, this group wont vote against
vulgar or adult
bad messages
unless it meets #'s 1-4
if you want to join, pm me.
also we are trying to come up w/ a group name, please leave suggestions below.
so far T.A.N.K. is winning
So, let me get this straight.
You want to (somehow) "eliminate" flashes with strange titles, which is in no way against the rules, but not whistle-worthy things like racism?
Just vote on UJ flash the way you want, whistle rulebreaking shit, and encourage others to do the same. That's the only way you'll make a difference.
no, i want to vote down all misleading titles that annoy people, you see, people like you find ways to piss people off, whithout breaking rules. just because you can, doesnt mean you should. and whistle worthy stuff should be taken out before it even gets past judgement, and besides that, who am i to deside whats racist? stuff thats offencive to some may not be offencive to others. I dont want to be the one who makes a small mistake, and eliminate a decent flash.