View Profile N7M6E7
" I [may] disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Francois-Marie Arouet


U.S.A. virginia

Joined on 7/8/08

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N7M6E7's News

Posted by N7M6E7 - October 20th, 2009

need a voice actor?

if so, pm me, or leave a message below

i can also get you any* music for your flash animations

*almost any, some songs are just too hard to find

click here to hear my voice
i will voice act for more than one person
i did voice acting for the following animation(s)

i will not act for anything "A" rated
i may act for "M" rated stuff, depending on what its about
i will not act for anything that i think is a horrible plot

Posted by N7M6E7 - October 8th, 2009

awile ago, i tried to to create a group to combat anyone who make a lot of crap submissions for reward, unfortunately no one was willing to help. so i'm making a new group, this time though, this groups perpose is not to zerobomb, but to provide services to each other. right now i am availible for voice acting, and free music from video games. if you need either of these feel free to pm me.
by the way, the group is called "Paradox"

Posted by N7M6E7 - July 27th, 2009

i recently watched "how to be a ng animator god 2" and realized somthing. Following this movie doesn't make you a good animater,it makes you a dick, and ruins newgrounds for the rest of us. those of you who take that movie as a joke, good for you, have a cookie and enjoy life. those who take the movie seriously ,and follow its advice READ BELOW.

anyways that movie made me want to create my own guide to making great animations, so without further ado
n7m6e7 presents


part one: beginning
So, you want to be an animator? The first step is to brainstorm. Very few animators start at the computer. Start by getting a pencil and paper, and jot down ideas. Watch tv, read books, go outside, and get some ideas of how to make your animation the best it can be. Just remember that your animation should be longer than 30sec, so don't cut corners. Pop culture references are funny, but are often overdone, and are no substitute for good jokes.Also dont copy other peoples work,it's illigal and shows that you have no skills.

part two:animating
Time for the actual animation process. First make your movie, as previously stated it should last longer than 30sec. Any shorter and chances are that it will get a bad score. Picture quality is very important. your movie should have sound and color(Unless you purposely left it black and white for artistic reasons). Music and sounds can be found anywhere. Just make sure to credit the original author.

Part three: finishing touches
after your movie is finished, add a preloader. although not needed, a creative preloader shows that you took time and effort to make your movie. every movie should have a "sene select" so if the veiwer has to leave, he/she can come back to the same spot in the movie."The end" is a simple way to let people know that the movie is done.

Part four: submitting
After your sure your movie is done, it's time to give it a name, description, and icon. all of which need to be relevent. no one likes to be tricked by animation names.Once again this proves that you need to lie to get people to watch it.

Part five: aftermath
So, you made a movie and submitted it. Your not done yet. If your movie makes it past judgment, make sure to read the comments. People will somtimes offer good advice. just know that no matter how hard you work some one will be a dick and vote zero, and cuss you out. be ready for these people, and have a snappy comeback ready.

Final part: the do nots
DO NOT create more than one account just so you can vote up your own flashes and down others, this just shows that you have no life
DO NOT re-submit somthing if it doesn't pass judgement

DO NOT create a new account if you are banned

DO NOT submit anything illigal, you'd be suprised how many "tattle tails" are on this site


thank you for reading, feel free to critisize my guide, as i made it in less than an hour. point out any mistakes or errors.
I am not easily offended

Posted by N7M6E7 - July 9th, 2009

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contest time
i needed somthing to keep me busy, so i'll start putting simple contests and simple prizes.

post somthing below, write a story, poem or spam, make art, tell jokes. i don't care as long as it looks nice

I will advertize anything for you as long as its apprpriate

Posted by N7M6E7 - July 5th, 2009

note, this was a quick pic i made of my robot in less than 10 min a rapid fire gun is supposed to slide out of the left side.

my bot

Posted by N7M6E7 - July 4th, 2009

i've recently relised that every idea i've had, is just that
an idea
they've all been done, or can't be done. none of my ideas have been put into action, and none of them ever will. even my choices have been wrong, and i've just given up. just letting you guys know even though only 2 people will probably see it.
i will return once i feel better
as for now,goodbye.

Posted by N7M6E7 - June 25th, 2009

me and my friend where having an arguement. i say it's impossible to make a rectangle using the seven original tetris blocks. she says it is possible. I'm so confident im right, i'm offering 5$ to any one who can make a rectangle with the seven tetris blocks. just post it on your user page, and leave me a comment.
one of each of the tetris blocks must be used,no more, no less
no over lapping peices
all blocks should be the same size
no empty spots, or peices outside the rectangle
no flipping pieces, rotations allowed
the rectangle can be any dimentions you choose
other rules may apply
here are the 7 tetris blocks
(note, i actually copied these pixle by pixle from the original gameboy tetris)


Posted by N7M6E7 - June 15th, 2009

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i have a few question that i want to see what you think the answer is.Please note that these questions have opinion answers.

1.what is a coward
2.would you consider "aint" a word, and why
and the old classic
3.which came first, the chicken or the egg

Posted by N7M6E7 - June 10th, 2009

I havent submmited anything, so how are you people finding my user page?
please tell me, and be sure to check out my favs.

Posted by N7M6E7 - May 29th, 2009

while going through a bunch of old school juk i found a saying that i wrote long ago

if what has been learned cannot be forgotten
then i have learned little from school
and much from the world it kept me from

anyways, check out my faves, i tried to make a list of every thing decent on newgrounds, if you have good game suggestions, i'd love to hear them.