View Profile N7M6E7
" I [may] disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Francois-Marie Arouet


U.S.A. virginia

Joined on 7/8/08

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N7M6E7's News

Posted by N7M6E7 - May 26th, 2009

i know that newgrounds needs an easier way to get rid of crappy submissions,however we also need a way to prevent people from "zero bombing" for no good reason.
please write ideas below, thx.

Posted by N7M6E7 - May 20th, 2009

Note, if you already know this info, please dont comment

many people dislike newgrounds, because it has a whole lot of crap submissions, so you have to wade through all the crap to find a decent submission. I have a very simple soulution.

Newgrounds needs a way to vote stuff off the site.

many authers of crap submissions aren't even visiting this site anymore, so their flashes are clogging up the site. I think that Newgrounds should make it so that if a submission has a score less than 2 for more than a week, it should get deleted.

so if anyone has a way to reach tom, tell him this

thank you

Posted by N7M6E7 - May 20th, 2009

well i tried to start a group, and failed:(
but hay, at least i tried, ya know. its not like i did nothing at all. and if you say i did do nothing.


Posted by N7M6E7 - May 19th, 2009

This group will still be created, however im changing its direction. It will be for eliminating any flashes with the following discriptions.

1. extremely misleading titles(ie, "talking dog" is the title, and its just a pic w/ crappy music)
2. tricks (only the nasty ones that are designed to piss people off)
3. extremely bad animation(skill, not content)
4. really short animation(less than 10 seconds)
note, this group wont vote against

vulgar or adult
bad messages

unless it meets #'s 1-4
if you want to join, pm me.
also we are trying to come up w/ a group name, please leave suggestions below.

so far T.A.N.K. is winning

Posted by N7M6E7 - May 18th, 2009

Have you heard of the "Kitty Krew"?
they are a group of untalented bastards who keep making crap animations and flood the site, so they can get rewards. all they do is make a 2 second loop, give it a name that makes you want to whatch, and put every word they can think of on the description so no matter what you search, there videos come up. then they vote on there own crap many times to keep it on the site.if it doesnt make it to the site, they keep re-submitting it. the name doesnt even match the animation!

I have to admit, getting tricked the second or third time was funny, however, past that its annoying as hell.
which brings me to my pourpose for writing this,

I shall build a new group to combat them
anyone willing to join me just has to pm me (or leave a comment below)(this is just so i know how many people are with me) and vote "0" on all of there submitions

Note: I'm still trying to come up with a group name, please send me Ideas


P.S. this group will not only be for getting rid of kitty krew, they where just the most infamous. this group will take down any group that spams the site.

Possible names

cannon (coalition, against, nasty, newgrounds, operating, noobs)
tank (tanking, all, newgrounds, krap) I know how to spell crap.

Posted by N7M6E7 - February 25th, 2009

everyone calls tails gay, when in fact he was the only character to have a real girlfriend. although she was an alien, she was still a girl, and tails loved (and dated) her. Knuckles and rouge have a "love-hate" relationship, amy is a stalker, sonic and sally never really hooked up,and creame is just a useless character that was only good in sonic advanced. the reason tails follows sonic, is because they are best friends, and he sees sonic as a hero and an older brother. also you can change the settings in the game so tails (or sonic) is by himself. I admit like all characters he has his flaws. among these are low stamina, high voice (he was played by a female acter, but so was Bart Simpson) and not very strong. he also has good points, such as an I.Q. of over 300, mad mechanical skills,and the ability to fly.
the main thing to get out of this is...
dont just assume,do some form of reasearch before making fun of somthing.
also don't just spam(say over and over) things if they are not true

feel free to enter comments, and correct me if I'm wrong. just dont hate post

I've had it

Posted by N7M6E7 - July 9th, 2008

I am currently trying to make my film, however I'm having trouble trying to get it out of my computer up stairs
it keeps saying the file is too big for a floppy disc and it won't let me put it on a cd
it is an old as crap computer that dosn't even have an F:) drive
Please if you have a suggestion TELL ME
This is my computer
